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公共關係室 Office of Public Relations

Winter Break Journey: Leaving Taiwan for Home in Grenada (Office of International Affairs)


As the winter break draws to a close, the international student Kaleigh Andrew's departure from the bustling streets of Taipei marks the beginning of her journey back to her sunny haven in Grenada. Packed with cherished memories of Taiwan, Kaleigh eagerly anticipates returning to the warmth of the Caribbean.

The journey spanned 26 hours of flying. Making a stop in New York for a week to visit her family, Kaleigh found delight in experiencing snow for the first time. Watching delicate flakes dance through the air, she reveled in the novelty and joy it brought. Engaging in a playful snowball fight with her family, laughter filled the crisp winter air, creating cherished memories.

Kaleigh's winter adventure in New York led her to iconic landmarks and hidden gems alike. Marveling at the towering Empire State Building and exploring the snow-covered expanse of Central Park.

Exploring the city's vibrant neighborhoods, Kaleigh savored hot chocolate at cozy cafes and indulged in hearty comfort food at bustling diners. From the twinkling lights of Times Square to the serene beauty of Brooklyn Bridge Park, each moment in New York was filled with warmth and wonder, despite the chilly temperatures.

A highlight of her trip was witnessing the dazzling spectacle of holiday lights along Fifth Avenue and Rockefeller Center. Standing beneath the towering Christmas tree, surrounded by the glow of festive decorations, Kaleigh was reminded of the magic of the season and the joy of spending time with loved ones.

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